Google Maps for iOS Gets Directions Widget, iMessage App for Location Sharing


  1. App recently received realtime location sharing feature
  2. Latest update unveils an iMessage app for location sharing
  3. The update is already available on App Store
Google as of late refreshed its Maps application on iOS to carry realtime area offering to contacts and now the pursuit monster has again refreshed the application to include a heading gadget the stage. With the v4.30.0 refresh, clients will ready to get a course gadget that will demonstrate to them the bearings to their goal appropriate from the bolt screen. It additionally enhances area imparting usefulness to an iMessage application. 

Prior, Google Maps for iOS clients could just get the headings to their goal inside the application or through push notices. Presently, with v4.30.0, they can just add the gadget to their bolt screen, begin route, and get headings by swiping the left side on the screen. 

While the recently included heading gadget in Google Maps for iOS helps clients get their coveted bearings, the refresh likewise brings along an additional usefulness as clients can now impart their area to their companions with the assistance of iMessage application. This will empower clients to impart their area and travel updates to their companions effectively. 

Nonetheless, the iMessage application just backings static area sharing, not at all like the area sharing offered by the application on Android or the one like "Discover My Friends" application, as pointed out in a report by 9To5Mac. 

Aside from these increments, Google Maps refresh form 4.30.0 (officially accessible on App Store) likewise brings bug fixes, according to the change log of the application on the store. 

The Google Maps application's expanded incorporation with the working framework, which has been fortified with most recent refresh, appears to demonstrate that Google doesn't needs iOS clients to continue utilizing its administrations over Apple's own Maps application for the stage.

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