Who would win Thor VS Superman?

Who would win Thor VS Superman?

This is actually a great question! Not just because each of these heroes are powerhouses in their own comics and universes but because of the specifics of their abilities.
Powers and abilities
Superman :-
" I remember the first time I met Superman. It was a Justice League case so there were other heroes involved, but in my mind none of them stood as tall or as proudly as Superman. I began to wonder what I was doing in the same room as him, how little he must think of me. But Superman never treated me as anything but an equal. At six inches tall he made me feel like a giant. Now I had to be that giant for him." -- The Atom

Superman has amazing speed, strength, flight and also has various long range and utility attacks at his disposal.
He also has a few known weaknesses. Everyone knows about Kryptonite which could even potentially kill Superman but you might not know about his other two lessor weaknesses. Magic and electricity have consistently been shown to be chinks in the Man of Steel's invulnerable armor. These weaknesses are not anywhere near as great as his allergy to Kyptonite but they do play a part.
Electricity does not specifically harm Superman as much as it tends to stun him and occasionally render him unconscious if hit hard enough. In every case where Superman has fallen victim to electricity he has shrugged it off eventually but initially it tends to stun him. For Superman getting hit by an entire nuclear power plants charge of electricity or a powerful lightning bolt is the same as you or I being hit by a high end Taser. It's enough to floor him and possibly knock him out but no lasting harm is done from it.
Superman is nigh indestructible (no wait that's The Tick) or at least nearly indestructible. He swats away bullets like you or I might swat away flies. He can stand in the middle of huge explosions with only scratches to show for it and he has taken punches from the most powerful beings in multiple universes. The thing is, if any of those things are powered by magic it hurts. Superman has always had an issue with magic. It is one thing that can make the difference between him laughing it off and holding his jaw in pain. It won't kill him but it really hurts. Divine or godly magic is just that much more potent.
From the official DC database RE magic...
Vulnerability to Magic: Superman's biomatrix is his most powerful asset, but the strength of this field is also its greatest weakness. Its permeability to certain wavelengths makes Superman vulnerable to certain radiations, particularly magical energies whose chaotic electromagnetic or extradimensional signatures disrupt this forcefield. Superman's vulnerability to magic varies depending upon the special effects of the magic. No magic seems to be able to directly destroy him unless it comes from a semi-divine or divine source. He can be injured and worn down by magical entities. Magic can have powerful and unpredictable effects on Superman and his magical enemies have often proven to be the most dangerous.
Recently, Superman has learned more about magic with the help of Zatanna and he is able to counter almost every spell. Magic has unknown effects on him. He was able to survive when he had a magical sword in the chest and a magical arrow in his back. It was during a fight against four Elder Gods. A fight that Superman won. He was able to withstand a magical blast that managed to knock out the entire JLA and both Wonder Woman (magic being) and Zauriel (Angel). He went after the enemy in question and stopped him.

"All the power of the storm, from all the world, flows through my veins, and can be summoned by mine hammer at any time, wherever it is. A lightning storm in Japan? Mine. A hurricane off the coast of Barbados? Mine again. A brace of tornadoes in Kansas? Aye...mine. All that might, all that destructive force, mine to command. Channeled and guided through the mystic might of this hammer, guided right at thee!" --- Thor

Thor also has amazing speed, strength, flight and has various long range and utility attacks at hand (and hammer). Officially Marvel rates his strength and speed at 7 out of 7 and his durability and energy projection at 6. His intelligence is rated at 2.

Thor is a god, specifically he is the son of Odin whom is said to be "The Allfather", the highest amongst all the terrestrial gods of Earth and his mother is Jord the spirit of Earth. Odin's son is equally powerful but once removed from that power as it is granted to him via his father.. Someday Thor will inherit the title of Allfather but that someday is a long ways off. The thing is someone has forgotten to tell Thor about this. His one overwhelming flaw, his "Kryptonite" is his pride and overconfidence. He will gladly go charging into battle against any foe no matter how strong assuming he will win. Given his track record of only a few complete defeats in thousands and thousands of battles it might still be understandable.
His second weakness is also occasionally his greatest strength, Warriors' Madness: also known as the Sin Unpardonable. When engaged in battle Thor can become overwhelmed by bloodlust and battle fury. Although this can increase his strength and power by tenfold the consequences are often devastating. If he falls victim to this battle madness he risks losing his mind and attacking friend or foe alike with little discretion. Any sins committed in this state must be atoned for with real and meaningful sacrifice or he risks losing the honor of being a god of Asgard.
Superman vs Thor :-
Thor beats Superman....
Superman returns the favor by beating Thor.
In the battle depicted above several amazing and noteworthy things happened.
  • Initially Thor caught Superman by surprise and floored him.
  • Superman won the rematch at the end partially because Thor underestimated Superman.
  • Superman lifted and wielded Mjolnir.
  • Thor allowed him to lift the hammer but certainly Odin considers Superman worthy to use the hammer as has been seen in other circumstances anyhow.
  • Superman only just barely beat Thor. It was a close fight and both admitted it could have gone either way.

Superman admits his win was very close and he only just barely won. Superman is just that kind of guy though.

Thor speaks of his overconfidence in trying to fight Superman.
<Above: Thor and Aquaman)
Superman can wield the hammer under only two circumstances....
  1. Thor gives him permission. Anyone can lift and wield the hammer if Thor allows it.
  2. A situation comes to pass where Thor cannot use the hammer and someone else that is worthy must instead. The key here being "Thor cannot use it". If Thor is around then only he can lift it.

Which lead to one of the coolest pictures in all of comicdom....
A above left: The two universes are combining and merging, Above right: Superman Ascendant with Captain America's shield and Thor's hammer with all of Thor's power attached. The strongest man with the strongest weapon and strongest shield in two universes.>
Special credit to Son Of The Northwind where I got the pictures from. He is dead on with the description he gives.
P.S. With all due and understandable respects to Elliot, I think he is perhaps a little biased it would not be a no contest win. If we had Lee, Kirby and Lieber in here they would prolly equally champion Thor as the no contest winner.
Myself, I think it would be a hard fight for both of them and it is anyone's guess who would win. It could and would go either way. Likely the actual battle would be decided not by their powers alone but by some other fact that gave one or the other an advantage at that crucial moment.

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