Get away from it all in this weekend's comments thread

No shirt, no shoes, no problem. But no arguing over displays!

Google's big week is over. The Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL are in the wild, and everyone has an opinion about them. Of course they (we) do because that's what we always do. Samsung may sell the most phones but it seems like Google's are the ones that generate the most talk.

Something about arguing over a phone you have no intentions of buying is fun until it stops being fun. It's pretty much stopped being fun. The Pixel 2 XL doesn't have an amazing display and if you're spending your own money, you should decide how much that matters. Buy what you like and stop worrying about what you don't and you'll be a happier person.

Like these happy geese.

So no Pixel arguing here because this space is not for that. It's for being chill and talking with other chill people about whatever (except Pixel 2 XL displays and politics). It's a great place to discuss weekend plans or tell us how great your vacation was.

This is a super-exciting weekend for me, even though I'm work-busy for all of it. My desk is piled high with stuff I can't talk about until next week and I'll be messing with it so that I have something worth saying when I can. It's one of those deals where you're so busy you don't know where to start, but you love every second of it, ya know?

So what are you up to? Tell us all something good!

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