Android's 'Check for update' button is broken, fix coming in 2018

The culprit? Google Play Services.

Back in September, Googler Elliot Hughes announced on Google+ that Android's "Check for update" button was being reworked so that it actually checked and pulled any new updates for your device rather than just doing a check to see if an update was planned for your area that day. In other words, you'd theoretically be able to get your hands on OTA updates much faster than before.

This came as exciting news for a lot of the Android community, but with the recent release of 8.1 Oreo, people have been noticing that the button still doesn't do diddly squat. Spotted by Android Police, Hughes recently took to Google+ once more, but this time to announce that the latest update for Google Play Services has stopped the feature from working as intended.

Per Hughes post:

[UPDATE: a Google Play Services update after I posted this broke the feature again. (An API incompatibility between the System Update code and the Checkin code, if you're interested in the details: bugs involving two separate moving parts are often the sneakiest.) This was fixed again internally, but late enough that it will be next year before this works again for non-Googlers.

It's unclear when in 2018 this solution will be made available to the public, but we're crossing our fingers that it'll be sooner rather than later.

Have you gotten your hands on 8.1 Oreo yet?

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