Google Assistant now helps you find a local plumber or electrician

Finding local assistance is just one "Ok, Google" command away.

If you've ever tried finding a handyman or woman to hire for a project at your house, you know the experience of searching through various companies and trying to figure out which services they offer can be a big pain in the rear. Thankfully, a new update to Google Assistant makes this ordeal a lot more bearable.

To get started, simply start talking to Google Assistant by saying, "Ok, Google, I need a plumber." You'll then get a list of common orders to choose from, such as installing a faucet, unclogging a drain, etc. Once you've chosen which services you need, the Assistant will then confirm the address at which you need the work done.

After confirming this, you then have the option of having the Assistant call the first plumber it finds or getting a list of the ones in your area that provide the services you need.

You'll be able to use this feature not only with plumbers, but also electricians, house cleaners, and other service providers. Google will be rolling this out to Assistant on phones and smart speakers (like Google Home) over the coming weeks in the United States, and in certain cities, recommendations are prescreened by HomeAdvisor and Porch.

'Hey, Google' command now rolling out to Assistant on Android phones


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