Neverending Nightmares is a game that lives up to its name [Games of the week]

What are the latest games worth checking out in the Google Play Store?

Update December 1, 2017: Scare the living crap out of yourself with Neverending Nightmares, and then unwind with some deep space adventure exploring in Morphite!

Neverending Nightmares

I'm the biggest wuss when it comes to anything horror-related, so I'm either the best or worst person to be recommending Neverending Nightmares. It's a new psychological horror game that's just recently been ported over to Android after building a humble reputation on Steam for not only its intriguing art style but also how the game developer used his own experiences struggling with mental illness to help inspire the creeping terror and dread.

You play as a boy who wakes up and wanders around a creepy, dimly lit mansion. The artwork instantly stands out as everything looks like it's being hand drawn right in front of you but it's really the sound design that I appreciated the most, ratcheting up the tension at every turn. You can investigate anything that has color as you try and figure out what's going on — but sooner than later you'll stumble across some horrific scene only to wake up again in your bed… but something still seems a bit off…

I could only muster enough courage to play this game for like 20 minutes before I just had to take a break and let my body calm down a bit. I'm a total sucker for all the horror tricks, and this game had my heart racing and my arms covered in goosebumps.

This is an absolute must-play for anyone who loves a good scare, and even if you don't find the game that scary, you'll still appreciate the fantastic atmosphere and unsettling moments. If you love the game, you'll also want to check out the free manga based on the game that features more of this bone-chilling artwork. And yeah, if the name didn't make it obvious enough, this game is pure nightmare fuel so prepare yourself.

Download: Neverending Nightmares ($3.99)


Remember all the hype last year around No Man's Sky? It was touted as this incredible first-person space exploration game with about a billion planets with procedurally generated fauna and flora to discover and collect… and then the actual game came out and everybody agreed that the launch was a disaster and it played more like a beta release rather than a $60 title.

Morphite has got the potential to be everything that No Man's Sky was hyped to be, except with low-poly graphics. It's a first-person shooter with similar aspirations of letting you explore far off planets. The final beta is currently available in the Google Play Store and you're able to play the first two missions and explore random planets for free, while the full story mode and other weapons are available as in-app purchases (that's how you do it, folks!).

The developers recommend playing the game on a device from 2015 or later. It's definitely worth checking out if you love sci-fi games and space exploration — and especially on Android for free when it's currently $15 on Steam.

Download: Morphite (Free w/IAPS)

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