'Twas the night before Google I/O, 2018 edition

Once upon a time, before I came to Android Central, I was an aspiring technology writer who whipped up the original 'Twas the night before I/O in anticipation of the year's biggest Google event. Google I/O is once again upon us! Time for a new chapter.

'Twas the night before I/O, and all through the net,
Every Android fan was stirring and placing their bets.
The predictions were placed, blogs written with care,
For soon truth and fantasy would be laid bare.
The attendees were nestled in crisp hotel beds,
While the updated APIs danced in their heads.

They've no real worries, P's already here,
No Day 1 previews; we got it earlier this year.
But the picture's still dim on this next letter upgrade,
Where, on stage tomorrow, new promises will be made.
Could we see a bold new look: "Material Design 2.0"?
Will gestures replace the nav bar? Where'll the back button go?
"What's New in Android P?" We'll see tomorrow at 2.
Some hopes will be dashed; some wishes will come true.

Things are murkier elsewhere, on the great Google stage,
Android TV's updates floundered; it must turn a new page.
Maybe a new model, more Chromecast than Shield,
A new reference device? What boosts will it yield?
Android TV is uncertain, but Chromecast is strong,
The smart home's hearth is where Google should belong.

With Mini and Max, Google Home keeps expanding,
Every week a new action, the updates keep landing.
Over 5,000 smart products Assistant now commands,
From Hue lights to Nest, control it all, "Look, Ma, no hands!"
With parity on phones, Google must confess:
Make it better on TVs & Chromebooks, and the new Wear OS.

Yes, Android's wearable game has gone kind of flat.
Smart suggestions a start; we need more of that!
We need hardware improvements, need a modern SoC.
Google Fit's fallen behind. Is that a Pixel Watch I see?
But at the heart of Wear's big problem: it needs a gap to fill.
Many see watches as unnecessary, "I don't have money to kill".
Be it fitness or function, Wear's watches need a place,
They need to find a purpose... before they lose the race.

In Chromebooks we trust, enterprise and education,
They're picking up steam, but can't slack on innovation.
Chromebook tablets are coming to crush iPad's sass,
A few quirks yet to fix before we'll see them in class.

As I silence notifications and try in vain to sleep,
One more topic into my head slowly creeps.
It harkens back half a decade ago,
To the last time Play Music was a big focus at I/O.
When the dark blue was stolen, replaced with orange-white,
When Play Music got All Access, and overhauled overnight.
The once-new look has faded; time to change once more.
But will Play Music reincarnate or be shown the door?
YouTube Music's been ignored, and YouTube Red's reach too small;
This odd trinity confuses; the writing's on the wall.
Many cry out to end this, for YouTube to take the reins.
They whisper of Remix ending Play Music's many pains.
Google's sure to say the new direction they'll go,
The confusion will end, and we'll all finally know.
So tonight here I dream, of my music and I,
Seven years of playlists that make me sing or cry.

In the morning, we'll rush to our computers and TVs,
And we'll click on the live stream and Cast it with ease.
As the minutes tick down to this year's event,
Our feeds sit at the ready, hashtags and wallets represent.
There will be a great cheer, all systems a-go,
"Welcome one, welcome all, to Google I/O!"

Watch the Google Keynote with us tomorrow morning at 10 am PT/1 pm ET

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