How are you liking Android P Developer Preview 3?

Google's next version of Android gets even better.

Earlier this week, Android P Developer Preview 3 / Beta 2 started rolling out to users across the globe. This iteration of Android P aims to fix a lot of the quirks found in Developer Preview 2 while also adding a few small features here and there.

Some of our AC forum users have already started playing around with the update, and so far, first impressions are quite positive.

Here's what they're saying.

06-06-2018 02:56 PM

Man, my 2 XL took about a solid 15 minutes to install the OTA. I was biting my nails hoping it wouldn't bork. On the plus side, though, my fps seems a lot snappier now. Ironic given the complaints I've read about the June O update. And I've finally got the weather icon on my lockscreen! Sweet. Wait. I take some of that back. DP3 must've turned the AOD on. So much for an fps fix.

06-06-2018 05:03 PM

Running nice and smooth for me so far, no issues I can see. The brightness was off from the beginning. Adjusted that. Previously 40% was fine but now 85 is needed to be the equivalent it seems. Hope this doesn't affect battery.

Kirstein Gourlay
06-06-2018 09:22 PM

Things I have noticed. My LBC radio app now works as intended. Yippee!! And despite Barclays Bank claiming not to support beta software, I can now login to my bank account using the Barclays app!! So already winning with this update. Seems stable so far.

06-07-2018 09:55 PM

I really like the gestures with Android P but I don't understand why they've kept the back button still this long. why haven't they implemented a left swipe from the home pill to go back in apps? the back button looks awkward in apps as well. is it a technical limitation that won't allow the swipe to go back? can't understand the decision not implement the swipe to go back.


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