It turns out the one Facebook app AC readers can't live without is...

WhatsApp is still the glue that holds our social circles together.

What you need to know

  • On the eve of Facebook's F8 developer conference, AC readers told us which Facebook apps they could not live without.
  • The runaway top choice for our readers was WhatsApp.
  • Instagram was in second place, but not even the regular Facebook app was the last choice.

The virtual Facebook F8 developer conference came and went earlier this week with little fanfare, it seems, but it marked an appropriate time to poll our readers on which Facebook app or service they felt they couldn't live without. The consensus top choice as the most popular Facebook app — WhatsApp — probably won't surprise anybody, nor will the second-most-popular selection, Instagram.

The top two choices came in with around 44% and 25% of the votes, respectively. The third choice for most readers was Facebook Messenger with nearly 13%, followed by "Other" with 11%, and the regular Facebook app with less than 5%. Given how popular VR is as a topic on Android Central in general, and how beloved Oculus content is in particular, it was a bit of a shock to see Oculus in the last place of our reader poll with fewer than 4% of the vote.

A comment by reader Culex316 summed up the WhatsApp groundswell well when they said:

For me personally, it's WhatsApp since I live in a country where it is basically the de facto mobile messaging platform (SMS messages are hardly used and expensive). Carriers here even give you free WhatsApp usage or a separate data bucket for use with WhatsApp that doesn't count against other internet traffic. If you live in the U.S., WhatsApp isn't that big of a deal, so it's easy for Americans to just dismiss it, but elsewhere in the world, it's a whole different story.

Reader atypicaluser commented that they would choose:

Instagram hands down. There is nothing like it... Even though I use WhatsApp, I could live happily without it and wouldn't miss it if it up and disappeared.

The poll is now closed, but you can still let us know down in the comments which Facebook app means the most to you.

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